Casa del Marino


Considered one of the great buildings of the era, occupying an entire block, not many people remember that the Las Palmas Palace Hotel was once located here, with a large pool on the structure adjacent to the great tower. It was considered the first multiple – use building in the Canary Islands. Sea transport at the time was at such a great intensity that it caused abnormal human density with significant diversity in races and habits, though very communal healthcare, cultural and leisure needs.

After the post – war hiatus, Migu el Martín made a decisive contribution to the recovery of modern architecture on the Islands, which he himself had started, with the Casa del Marino. Of considerable scale and length, covering a significant stretch of the Las Palmas seafront, the building – in line with the modernity of the 60s – offered up a programme of diverse uses: welfare, hotel, educational and representative, together with commercial premises, housing and apartments, organised through the aggregation of blocks. The composition of the complex is determined through a graceful break in the facade, the triangular square that faces out onto Calle Albareda and the impressive tower.

1964 Upon completion of the great Casa de Marino building of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, an investment made b y the National Marine Assistance Fund (part of the Navy Social – Services Institute) in 1963 and 1964, among its various dependencies and services, founded The Nautical Academy with an infrastructure of five magnificent classrooms and other spaces intended f or a range of uses, located on the first floor, where marine courses began to be taught. With a clear vision for the future, the creators of the Casa del Marino had included this small educational centre within the original plan. With a reduced number of t eachers, the Academy began to teach students undertaking the Nautical Studies degree in 1964.

More than a single building, it is a set of constructions with an asymmetrical ground plan, cleverly linked together and internally communicated, located “between the city it protects and the developed sea”.

It originally contained an organisation providing services for seafarers, both for those who came to frequent the port and for those hoping to take to the seas who needed to acquire suitable training f or their intended profession. In addition, The Casa del Marino also acted as a liaison body between sailors and their families. It was intended to complement the aid offered to a class who, due to the working conditions in which they lived or from which th ey came, did not enjoy the facilities made freely available to residents of the city.


The Casa del Marino offered hospitality in shared four – person rooms with bathroom, individual rooms with shared bathroom or individual and double rooms wit h private bathroom and telephone. Rates varied between 40 and 180 pesetas per day, with a discount for members of the assistance fund. It also featured a restaurant and bar.

_Health service

It offered a Medical – Surgical clinic, equipped for emergency serv ices, treatments and hospitalisation, etc. Today, the site houses the Navy Social – Security Institute (Spanish ISM) of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.


Originally, the first floor of the school started as a provisional academy, as a Nautical – Fishing Sc hool was intended to be developed in Lanzarote. However, from 1975, it was renamed the Approved Professional Marine – Fishing Training Centre, and became a full Professional Training Institute

_Commercial premises

Located along the ground floor and in a sta ggered layout, these were marked by a huge canopy aligned with the street.

Today, it has maintained its multi – use nature, as several of its floors are home to departments of the Las Palmas de Gran Canaria City Hall, offices of the Canary Islands Governmen t and commercial premises and restaurants, while its original housing remains – though it is now privately owned.

From the port area itself, the architectural block of the Casa del Marino stands out against the land, with a magnitude, a beauty in its lines, a modernity and a nuance in its layout that is truly impressive.